Archive for May, 2016

Exciting news! In just a few months we will be releasing free training materials!

In summary: I applied (and obtained) a grant through OSHA to produce training materials for the four major health hazards in construction. We are titling it, “Focus 4 Health Hazards for Construction”.  (similar to the Focus 4 Susan Harwood training materials available at OSHA)

Indented audience is for younger construction workers in hazard recognition of, 1. silica, 2. noise, 3. asbestos and 4. lead (pb) in construction. A short video (1-4 minutes) for each subject gives an introduction to the hazard. And, to follow up a training power point presentation (and short summary) will also be available to further instruct people in how to control and protect themselves.

On a personal level…it has been exhausting, and I’ve learned a lot!  From obtaining the grant, to hiring a videographer, filming, securing filming sites, and quarterly reports…. exhausting.  But, I’m confident you (and others) will enjoy it. Subscribe (via email) to keep updated. You can also follow me on instagram: “adventuresInIH”. (link coming)

grant filming

This video from The Daily Show in 2011 is a funny (but, really NOT funny) poke at Canada’s asbestos mining industry. I do not know if Canada is still mining asbestos, but I imagine it is still a concern.

Given the right audience, this video might be a good diversion during an asbestos training for comedic relief.

Caution, some moderately foul language (and “beeps”). For sure PG13+ (if anyone pays attention to those ratings).

The Daily Show, Jon Stewart, “Ored to Death”, by Kristen Wiig 2011 (4:54).