Archive for November, 2012

Looking back at my lead in construction posts, I realized I did an inadequate job of summarizing why construction activities are dangerous when working with lead.

If you work in construction, here’s are the quick points as to why you should be concerned about lead.

  • There has been A LOT of lead added to paint over the years. (it can vary 0.01% to upwards of 20%, and there’s no way to tell by looking)
  • The activities we do in construction disturb this paint (some worse than others)
  • You can be exposed to paint by inhaling it (if it is airborne), and if you happen to get it on your hands and you eat it (by transfer).
  • The real concern is kids. (your kids, the kids who might be there after you’re gone, AND, the kids unborn (lead exposure can go from mom to baby)

The solution is simple (and, of course, more complicated as you dig in):

  • test the paint to see if there’s lead in it
  • if you disturb it, follow the rules (OSHA, EPA, HUD, City, etc.)
  • train your employees (and measure the lead in their blood)
  • prevent the dust from going everywhere (containment)
  • measure the air to see if you are really screwing it up, or doing a good job.
  • finally clean up. (the area, you, your hands, the perimeter) and dispose properly

You probably already knew this. Risk changes over time.

As we start to measure, and value, loss we immediately want to minimize it. However, it’s an unobtainable goal. “Zero losses”. Really? It’s not actually possible, you know (at least in the long term).

Look at this graph of the number of deaths in the US over the years due to silica. In 1968 we had approximately 1,000 deaths. Now, in the year 2005, we are less than 200. Yet, OSHA wants us to lower the exposure limit.  (I am personally not opposed to it – but I am open to debate about it, really)

Our world is becoming smaller. But, you already knew this, too.

To give an example, look at what happened in Bangladesh on November 24/25, 2012. Meanwhile in the US, we were watching football and eating leftover turkey.  Over 100 people died due to safety concerns that turned into a fire. This country is going through what the US experienced pre-1970. Other countries have similar problems.

I suppose living in the US is a yet another reason for thanksgiving. Yes…, But.  What can you do to make the biggest impact? I don’t have the answer, but, I am open to suggestions.


When training people who work around asbestos I usually discuss the word “disturbance” for a LONG time. The reason is simple. If you avoid “disturbing” it, you avoid most of the health issues.

As most people are aware, asbestos is found in many types of materials. Floor tiles, popcorn ceilings, wall panels, etc.

Disturbance relates to the specific activities you perform AND the type of material the asbestos is in.

If the asbestos containing material (ACM) is non-friable, then in theory, it takes more effort to disturb the asbestos. If the material is friable, well, you need to be REALLY careful. – and in some cases, breathing can disturb it. For example, an electrician who uncovers an ancient acoustical ceiling panel and finds damaged asbestos pipe insulation laying on top of it…is probably already in trouble. He has essentially disturbed friable asbestos by merely moving the panel.

In contrast, a remodeling company installing a floating laminate hardwood over asbestos 9×9 inch tiles (without damaging them) is [probably*] NOT causing airborne releases of asbestos.

Most of the OSHA/EPA asbestos rules hinge on the matrix of the material and the activity you are performing on it. The reason is this is what makes the asbestos fiber airborne.

*the OSHA rules are very specific as to work activity, please do your due diligence.

There are some items you need to do BEFORE you wear a respirator. If you are using it on a voluntary basis, go here.

  1. obtain medical approvalfor employees to wear a respirator
  2. have a fit test performed
    • qualitative fit test unless you wear a full face mask, or a type better than this
    • my favorite choice is irritant smoke, but it could also be saccharine, isoamyl acetate (banana), or Bitrex (R).
  3. get trained. Learn how to:
    • clean it
    • store it
    • know what your respirator can’t protect you from
    • choose the right cartridges
    • know when you have break through
    • fit check (different than a fit test -BTW)

Wondering how often you must update the above steps? Go here. There are more steps to having a respiratory program, but you must do these things before you start.

You must follow both. (I’ve mentioned this before)

OSHA’s rules are very detailed and apply to any amount of lead in paint (even less than 0.5%) if you are disturbing it. The only time OSHA rules do not apply is:

  • if you are working as a sole-proprietor (no employees), or
  • if you are in some other country.

EPA’s rules are just a start. They apply to any residential facility where there are kids under the age of 6. OSHA’s rules are much more comprehensive and protective. (in some instances, overkill)

To EPA’s credit, they have done a great job of marketing and letting contractors know they insist on compliance. OSHA, on the other hand, only inspects 2% of businesses/year and does virtually no marketing. The chances of OSHA showing up on any given jobsite, is nearly 0%.

OSHA’s rules are very complete and comprehensive. You WILL need air monitoring, blood monitoring, PPE, change areas, water/sanitation, and training. The worst thing you can do is NOT follow the OSHA rules, find overexposures, and then try to “make up” for it. From my experience this scenario is a bad place to be, and happens all the time.

People who work in industrial hygiene try NOT to admit fault. There are reasons;  legal implications, credibility, and of course, pride. Since this blog is about being transparent, I will confess I made a huge mistake. My mistake wasn’t disastrous, but it could have been.


Employees were using a hudson sprayer (pump style) to apply a liquid waterproofing material. Air monitoring was performed and found to be 50% of the OELs. However, given the environmental conditions, and different areas they would need to access, I recommended they wear 1/2 face respirators. The hazard was isopropyl alcohol and a 1/2 face respirator with organic vapor cartridges was sufficient, with goggles & protective clothing.

However. It wasn’t isopropyl alcohol….it was methyl alcohol (methanol). And, there is a HUGE difference. Organic vapor cartridges (filters) provide NO protection to methanol. I should have recommended supplied air respirators.

I feel terrible, and I apologized.

“Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time” – George Bernard Shaw


The answer is Yes.

If you are working with lead (in any amount) and you are performing any of the “trigger tasks” in construction = you must follow OSHA rules. Trigger tasks are demolition, removal, encapsulation, new construction, installation, cleanup, abrasive blasting, welding, cutting, torch burning, transporting, storing, heat gun work, sanding, scraping, spray painting, burning, welding, etc. What about the EPA rules (RRP)? Look here.

The only exceptions to not measuring employees blood lead are:

  1. On the first day of work activity, you perform air sampling (for the full shift) and can prove the airborne levels are below the Action Limits (<30 ug/m3)…or,
  2. OR…If you have relevant historical data and can prove your airborne levels during the same tasks are below the Action Limit (within the last 12 months). Relevant historical data must be REALLY relevant. Like, same work activity, same amount of lead in the paint, same general size/location, etc, etc.
These are the only exceptions.
If you choose to NOT perform blood lead monitoring the downsides are:
  • employees might already have dangerous levels of lead in their system, and you expose them to more
  • measuring blood lead levels after the exposure may indicate higher baseline blood lead levels -and you might have to pay for exposure which wasn’t your fault
  • if overexposed, and they have high blood levels – you might have to also check their family’s blood lead levels

More information on blood lead testing from my earlier post.

When clients ask me to assist in choosing a product, I try to recommend a product with the least dangerous chemicals in it. I understand this isn’t always possible. However, I try to emphasize the worst case health scenarios and leave it up to the company to decide how to proceed. There are reasons to use a hazardous (to your health) product.

However, here are some considerations when choosing a hazardous product:

  • more hazard vs less cost
  • more hazard vs less time actually using product
  • more hazard vs cost of PPE
  • more hazard vs what the spec says
  • more hazard vs different hazard
  • more hazard vs terrible health effect/potential
  • more hazard vs perception by others on the project (by the GC/public/subcontractors, media, neighbors)

Another issue with chemicals is the names and nomenclature. There are so many different names, common names, chemical names, and sub names of products – it gets confusing.

One solution called,, offers a unique way of considering other chemicals. Plug in the CAS# (Chemical Abstract Number) or the name, and it gives you some ideas.

Another alternative in choosing the best product is to ask.

  • Ask your industrial hygienist if this product is safe and/or are there concerns?
  • Ask the GC if this is the only product that can be used
  • Ask the architect if there are alternatives that are equally effective
  • Ask the manufacturer if they have comparable products without the XXX hazard

I’ll admit it. My elevator pitch is not the best. I have a hard time trying to briefly describe what I do as an industrial hygienist. I usually answer the question with a recent example of a interesting project.

What would you hire an industrial hygienist for? Well, this article describes exactly when you would hire one. I bet the haz mat crew has at least one hygienist investigating this concern.

AIHA has published video on what IHs do and our job function (s). They did a much better job than I could have done, but, the video is NOT as exciting as real-life.